The final year of my MBA- studies has started. I’m going to do my dissertation of the theme; the managers’ use of social media (SOME) as part of their leadership. I’ve participated in many Finnish online groups considering SOME and learning. My first experience is that it’s very difficult to join an online group, if you don’t know or have met anyone of the group personally beforehand (offline). How to join as a new partner to the online groups, which are existing already and if you don’t know anyone of the group beforehand. I’m looking answers to that question while doing my dissertation.
I took a part to Helena Aramo’s lecture on 1st September 2010. Helena Aramo presented, that the use of SOME should be very open to all participants. So far, I thought that e.g. Facebook is a tool for co-operation with family members and friends. I don’t share any issues considering my work with my Facebook friends. During my MBA- dissertation studies, I’m going to put more attention to how to use SOME as part of leadership. It will be nice to see if my thinking of the use of Facebook is going to change during the coming studies. The thinking will be changed, if I’m going to share my Facebook profile with my colleagues at work.